Friday, 3 January 2003

It took half a week, but I just remembered something else that bugged the shit out of me about European Vacation. When they visit the Lourve (by this point of the film you're trying to slash your wrists with celery) it plays Ca Plan Pour Moi by Plastic Bertrand as if it's some kind of wacky French tie-in.


Now, Belgium doesn't usually get acclaim for much (apart from chocolate, organised paedophile rings and providing a handy backdoor for Germany to invade half of Europe) but by christ it's going to get credit from me for Plastic Bertrand.

I quote edition 196 of Q magazine...

Born Roger Jouret in Brussels in February 1958, Plastic Bertrand conquered the world with his punk parody Ca Plane Pour Moi in 1978"

There you go, the next time you're watching a film where somebody goes to France and that song comes on you too can throw things at the screen and shout FRAUD just as I did.

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