Friday, 28 March 2003

TSP Retro Rant #12

And so we end retro week. Yes, it's two rants short of the promised 14 but you get that. Enjoy this until I find some new nuggets of past wisdom in my long lost archives.

November 8, 1995


The media obviously influences children about if they are going to get kidnapped or murdered. It's a pretty good assumption that you'll get slashed or stolen if you are under 12 because with all the crime going on these days.

In all this time you would have to have been pretty lucky not to have been exposed to some sort of crime. If you lived in a high crime area like Narre, Glen Iris or Footscray you would feel pretty scared, for instance around us in Glen Iris in the past 5 years there have been 2 robberies next door, 2 drug busts, 3 lots of drunken hooligans singing and breaking car windows, and least 5 domestic disputes, the Police helicopter (Pigs can fly) and police harassment.

If you are scared of getting rolled by a mass murderer you also must be afraid of police coming around and harassing you. I am scared of being brutally murdered and when people buzz our door and say they are from


I'm sure that was supposed to continue on to some kind of final apocalyptic conclusion but the truth was I was assured of getting out of that school in a months time and consequently didn't waste my time completing anything. Hey, I didn't even bother to wear the uniform for the last two weeks.

It all ends here after I transferred to a school with an illiteracy rating higher than sub-Saharan Africa. To those people a pen was solely a cheap substitute for stabbing someone. The writing curse would not arise again until my (now sadly lost) VCE English folio.

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