Monday 19 January 2004


It's not big, and it's not clever - and it probably ensures I'm signed up to 10,000 other scam lists but I always fire off some sort of reply when I faced with a Nigerian scam email. Something along the lines of wanting to help them very much and my desire to have millions of dollars transferred into my bank account because my heroin addiction has driven me mad. Yours truly, Adam - President of the Australian Republic etc..

Usually you never hear about it again. Once the Nigerian foreign minister (*cough*) wrote back "very funny" and didn't respond to my second email detailing how I wanted to run a similar scam and wished to swap techniques and ideas.

Anyway, I just replied to one then and it bounced back with a "this mailbox does not exist" error. Either they've been busted in the couple of minutes since they sent it to me or they're running a fraud with absolutely no chance of ever making any money back. Idiots.

Interesting enough there was a link to a story on the ABC website included in the email - which is interesting considering they arrested some guy from New South Wales for running these types of shady operations a few months back.

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