Friday 9 December 2005

So close but yet so completely useless

Brief off-topic conversations with a mid level programming executive from a major Australian television network.

“Can I have my own talk show?”
“Come on, it’ll be mad. Part current affairs, part talk show, part just pissfarting around. You can put it on at midnight and it’ll cost nothing to make”
“I’m telling you. It equals ratings. Better than that game show with Hot Dogs off Big Brother for sure”
“I can tell you’re not really into this idea”
“Hah. No sorry”
“Your loss”

I’d like to think that he’ll pick up the phone and call when they’ve got a hole in their summer schedule but I’m not counting on it. For starters he doesn’t even know my phone number. Or who I am for that matter.

Such a shame. Midnight Shenanigans had so much potential. Afterall I’ve trained under the master of the genre,

Australian TV just doesn’t have balls anymore. Write in now and demand that it be shown.

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