Tuesday 15 July 2003

Go to hell and die

For some unknown reason every time I arrive at work for an early shift the TV has that bloody awful Sunrise program on. I'm not quite sure who does this though, as there's never anybody there watching it when I walk in.

Suffice to say that despite hating the show with a passion I always get suckered into watching it because they're doing the sports news just as I arrive, and then by the time that's over it's pretty much time to go so you just get to see a couple more weak gags delivered by the hosts who think they're hillarious before you storm out of the room in disgust.

They have this thing called the R.O.S Wall, which I've never understood. I guess it's some kind of Roswell gag (ha ha ha! Pardon my ribs collapsing with laughter) but all it appears to be is a place for them to scrawl random slogans across to give them something to talk about all morning.

And then there's all these emails they're allegedly getting at 6:25am from housewives wanting to discuss the continuing crisis in the Middle East and whether or not salami and cheese can ever co-exist in a sandwich. Either the LG Internet Refridgerator has taken off in a way that none of us could have ever predicted or there's some monkey in the control room making these things up on the spot. One day when I'm not working I'll wake up specifically at 6am and send one of those "I bet you won't read this out on air" emails and call myself Harry Finkleberry or something just to prove the point.

The Today Show isn't much better, but at least they've got the MILF-esque Tracey Grimshaw and responsible Terror Jockey Steve Leibmann.

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