Saturday 16 November 2002

You know what? I was shocked and worried by the first disturbing search request ever on this site "Andrea True Connection Picture Porn" - I wondered just who would want nudie pictures of a 70's disco diva.

Frighteningly all has been revealed thanks to this.

Andrea True, before becoming the lead vocalist of this group, starred many X-rated films in the earlies 70's, like "Tycoon's Daughter", "Sexual Freedom in the Ozarks", "Road Service", and "Flip Chicks".

And apparently the song More, More, More which I once labelled as the 'acceptable face of disco' was only written and recorded because she got paid for making a porno in Jamaica one day before their government issued a ban on taking cash out of the country.

It was a massive hit (and was used in a car-ad here a few months ago, i'm sure they didn't know what it was all about at the time either). When her next singles and album failed she went back into the knob-film industry and disappeared until 2000.

I always thought there was something suspicious about that song. Now, it's still great, and we all love pron stars and everything but now that these revelations have erm, come out (whoops) let's examine the lyrics shall we?

But if you want to know
How I really feel
Get the cameras rollin'
Get the action goin'

Complete madness eh?. The frightening thing is that if you view this page she looks, err how shall I say this? - fugly (yes, that will do).

This is better than when I was a kid and discovered "Girls on Film" was a pron song...

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