Sunday 14 December 2003


So Saddam Hussein stays in power for the best part of 30 years, manages to evade US troops for all these months and then gets busted in a cellar, crying like a little schoolgirl (I made that bit up) in his own hometown. It's surely too easy - but they've supposedly got DNA evidence which proves it. Nice!

Surely people can't find a downside to this. Even if you thought the war was a bit dodgy (i.e - me) you've got to admit that this is a top result. I'm interested to see what happens now. He might even let on where these evil weapons of mass destruction are hidden - certainly somewhere more sophisticated than where he was you'd assume.

And if the person who turned him in and pockets the $25,000,000 reward is reading can you buy me a new phone please? Thanks!

UPDATE: And the press conference is like a bloody highschool cheerleading rally. The Iraqi people are probably watching it going "what a bunch of wankers. Bring back Saddam". Choice quote "You have the opportunity of a sovereign government...... in a few months"

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