Sunday, 29 December 2002

I cannot believed how much money the Federal Government (and the opposition aren't complaining too loudly) is squandering on ads telling us how to spot potential terrorists. Here's a clue people, you won't know there's an attack coming until you get blown up - it sounds nasty, but it's pretty obvious isn't it? Sure, if you see somebody in an overcoat sweating their ass off in the middle of a packed train you'd have to wonder what was going on but I really do think some people expect every potential terrorist to be an veiled arab wielding an AK-47 wearing a t-shirt that reads "I am a terrorist, death to the US and Israel. Allah is great". Not happening people.

Even more offensive is this terrorism alertness hotline they've set up. What's the problem with calling the bloody police if you see something suspicious? I would so love to get a job there, because I think it would go a little something like this...

"Good afternoon, Terrorism Paranoia Hotline. Adam speaking"
"Oh my god, I just saw an arab man on the train carrying a briefcase"
"Well, Arabs often have jobs too, they don't all live in caves plotting against us. SO STOP BEING SO FUCKING STUPID YOU OLD SLAPPER. Thanks for calling"

"Good afternoon, Terrorism Paranoia Hotline. Adam speaking"
"There's been a suspicious car parked outside my office all day, and i'm frightened it could blow up"
"Where do you work?"
"Southern Motors Holden"
"Oh fuck off"

And i'm sure they'd pay well too, after all it's only taxpayers money.

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