Sunday 22 December 2002

Hey junkies. Join the Air Force, see the world, and score free gear

"Amphetamine pills, which are illegal in the US, are given to combat pilots who are involved in long eight or nine-hour sorties in small controlled doses, say the military. The Air Force stopped prescribing the 'Go' pills, as they are known by the pilots, in 1993 after reports that crews using them during the Gulf War became addicted. But the drug has been quietly reintroduced in recent years."

Then, in a red-letter day for stupid news, we have a case of the name fitting the crime;

"An Oak Park has pleaded guilty to castrating another man in his kitchen. A Birmingham man went to Wang's home...

Some people can never have enough wang eh?

Then we have a totally random picture of somebody playing Fetus Bingo

And finally, the Irish have solved an age old problem with an age old solution,

Ireland's new plan to recieve independence from England: have lots of unprotected sex. A united Ireland will happen when there is a majority of Catholics living in Northern Ireland, and the Catholics are so far winning.

Even when the world is screwed up I can still find some entertainment...

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