Sunday 6 April 2003

Bizarre spam of the day.

It started like this,

You are receiving this email because you opted-in to receive special offers from Lucky Prize through one of our online affiliates.

Bullshit. But moving on I allegedly signed up for something called "lucky prize" - so what kind of "lucky" products were they trying to flog to me? Penis extensions? No. Photos of Jennifer Lopez with a horse? No. What I did get was,

Warning! Are you prepared for a natural disaster?

Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods, Wildfires, Ice Storms and now, Terrorism.

These days, it doesn’t matter where you live. Everyone is at risk for one or more of these types of disasters. Global Warming and Political instability in other parts of the world have created an environment where no one is truly safe. And yet most of us go about our lives with the attitude that "it won’t happen to me." The truth is that we have never been more at risk.

If that's the 'lucky' prize then I'll be running a mile when I get an email offering me the 'unlucky' one.

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