Thursday 2 December 2004

Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell*

* Title = nothing to do with the post. Just seemed like a good idea at the time.

Can you spot the filler posting? Yes that’s right it’s been going on for the last two years. But the past couple of days have been even worse than normal. I’ve really got nothing to say. Insane paranoid rants about office Christmas parties are one thing but quality bloggage is another.

Thank god for the TSP 1000 (starting Saturday - music fans). That’s twenty days in a row of at least one cheap post per day covered. I was trying to write something remotely clever about each of the top 50 but my fatter-than-Elvis case of writers block and the fact that I can’t coherantly review music have conspired to screw that up. And I’m having a crisis moving things around the top 50.

Then there’s my car… [that’s quite enough for now - Editor]

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