The longest running saga in blogging history continues. Every single post from now that isn't a countdown of some variety will be a continuing trawl through the eight years of my Photobucket account. We're somewhere around early 2005 at the moment.
The Fabulous Rougueu Brothers and Jimmy Hart in "greatest photo ever"
Remember when "blogging" was the next big thing? Before the Herald Sun adopted the title for their grubby live chats with shit journalists? It was a great era rich with hope of a new world. I offered to let rabid fans come and live in TSP Towers - Docklands edition and pay for the glory of living my lifestyle. Surprisingly nobody took the offer up.
Disgraceful but apt scenes after the final siren. Round 20, 2005.
The random flash of South Korea beating Italy from the middle of the music video for Someday by The Strokes.
Great moments in letter writing the day after Australia qualified for the '06 World Cup.
Die scum.
I'm not sure why I created this t-shirt design. Buy it anyway.
Unfortunately the image had to be taken from microfilm as the payoff to a long running joke, but here's Rachel McQuillan sticking her racquet where the sun don't shine.
The product that does what it says on the can
See, there was this ad in England where the annoying child would bounce out as somebody was about to get on the gear and start questioning them. I couldn't find a copy of it anywhere - nor can I now - but here's one of their other classics.
How appropriate, you fight like a cow
MS Paint tells the story of another Telstra failure
Greatest graffiti ever. Altona Beach - 3.30am.
Heather Mills-McCartney makes her advertising debut.
Incredibly retrospectively wrong ad from the early 1990's
FUCKING COP THAT. One of the great moments of my life.
I guess Beazley said something about drugs? Maybe something about what his colleagues were on for re-electing him so many times.
See you for another installment of this the next time I have to open Photobucket to look for an old picture.
To say The Fall is a hard band to get into would be the biggest musical understatement since the guy who said Paris Hilton's singing was "a bit shit".
As of today, and be careful because another one is always just around the corner, Mark E Smith and his rotating cast of bandmates - and there have been plenty - have released 29 studio albums. I've not heard every track of all of them and probably never will.
Smith has been at it since 1976, I don't think I'll live long to hear them all.
But as I was extolling the virtues of them today somebody said "where do I start?" and that's a bloody good question because not one of those 29 albums is, or is likely to, keep your interest the whole way through. The content on offer is so violently different from one track to the next that even Greatest Hits compilations are patchy and miss some crackers.
So, for that person - and you know very well who you are - I present TSP's all-time top 20 Fall songs in chronological order.
1. Bingo Master's Break Out
1978 EP
Harassed bingo caller finally flips out at the pressure and tops himself.
2. No Xmas for John Quays
Live At The Witch Trials - 1979 Punky.. (feel free to sing it to the NZ PM if you see him)
3. Industrial Estate
Live At The Witch Trials - 1979
.. and punkier. For those who liked to be shouted at. If not you've come to the wrong place.
4. Music Scene
Live At The Witch Trials - 1979
This could be my favourite. Note the intense cynicism about the music industry that MES has already got two years in. If he'd known he'd still be kicking on in 30 years he may have topped himself.
5. How I Wrote Elastic Man
Single - 1980
In which Mark sings about the changes to his life that have been made by writing the song Elastic Man, despite the fact that he never actually wrote a song of that name. Later guest starred on an Elastica track off their shit second album called How I Wrote Elastica Man. Just because he could I suppose.
6. Prole Art Threat
Slates - 1981 Perversely made to be too short for the album charts, but too long to be considered as an EP for the singles charts. Song is 1.58, which is really all you need.
7. The Classical
Hex Enducation Hour - 1982 Legend has it The Fall was on the verge of being signed by Motown Records (!?) before making the moderately poor choice of playing this during the initial meeting. By the time "Where are the obligatory niggers? Hey there fuckface! Hey there fuckface!" had gotten an airing - right at the start of the song - the deal was off.
8. Hip Priest
Hex Enducation Hour - 1982 Scathing track about music journalists better known for being played in Silence Of The Lambs while all that unpleasant kidnap/murder business is going on.
9. I'm Into CB
B-Side - 1982
Go forward 19 years and change the lyrics a bit and he's effectively singing about Twitter.
10. Eat Y’Self Fitter
Perverted By Language - 1983 The song that asked the important question "What's a computer?" also features probably the cheapest, and therefore best, video ever made. 7.30 of glory.
11. Kicker Conspiracy
Single - 1983
The song that got me into the band in the first place. From the same article listing songs written about soccer football I also discovered Half Man, Half Biscuit who are almost as ace. Also the song that won MES his much vaunted reputation for saying "AH!" at the end of everything. Has any song ever nailed sports fan culture more accurately?
12. Spoilt Victorian Child
This Nation's Saving Grace - 1985
13. I Am Damo Suzuki
This Nation's Saving Grace - 1985 In which MES claims to be a member of Can which successful results.
14. US 80's-90's
Bend Sinister - 1986
A failed trip through US Customs in song. Top three all time for me with Music Scene and Kicker Conspiracy. I particularly like "Tha copppppps, are toppppppps" and "I'm the big-shot original rapper. But it's time for me to get off this crapper".
15. Hey! Luciani
Single - 1986
16. Living Too Late
Single - 1986 Two tracks from Smith's play (!) about the death (!?) of Pope John Paul I (!!!?!why!?)
17. Hit The North Pt. 1
Single - 1987
Wait, another contender for my favourite track. A disrespectful look at Smith's north of England. Another classic video, worth it just for the video of The Band performing into front of a baffled audience of OAP's and the campest acting in music video history at 2.55.
One of the remixes on the other side starts with the line "My cat says ACK!"
18. Bill Is Dead
Extricate - 1990
A power ballad. The man can do nothing wrong.
19. Free Range
Code: Selfish - 1992
Where else do you get opening lines like; "In 2001
A Life code:
It pays to talk to no one.
Proliferating across the earth.
Also Sprach Zarathustra
Faction Europa
Free Range."
20. Touch Sensitive
The Marshall Suite - 1999
Smith always looks about twenty years older than he actually is. In this video it's about forty years.
Bonus tracks:
Mark reads out the football scores.
Inspiral Carpets featuring Mark. E Smith - I Want You
Shuttleworth featuring Mark E. Smith - England's Heartbeat