Wednesday 24 September 2008

Inner City Pressure

Various things found next to my car in the last few days... Photobucket Photobucket 

Leaving the entire roll of tinfoil behind was a masterstroke. I could almost tear the rest off and use it in my oven. This happened between 9am and 5pm today, aided by my nutbag neighbour providing a handy screen with his abandoned van. Alternatively, people could stick to the time honoured method of skagging up under railway bridges (look, there's one just up the street) instead. 

I'm just to give my car an HIV test when the one in the tree is shaken free by wind and implants itself in my tire. Now, here's the thing. This is the third time that I've found this sort of gear in that spot - what do when I eventually bust them in the act? A friendly "Do you mind"? Go inside like nothing's happened, call plod and wait for them to come back and take a dump on my windshield as vengeance? Sit down and have a crack at playing Kurt Cobain myself? Who knows.

(Update from the future - I eventually did catch them in the act. After asking them to take their shit with them in the future there were no further dramas. Everything was very polite).

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