Thursday 27 March 2008

Back to the Future

Hi, remember me? I'm that slightly abnormal guy who has been writing complete bollocks under this blog name since October 2002. Remember 2002? I don't.

Anyway, The Supermercado Project has been hosted on for the last couple of years. Now it turns out that domain has expired, and I haven't heard anything from the owner. SO, until normal service resumes - or forever if it doesn't - this blog will be hosted here. Readjust your bookmarks accordingly. Obviously will still work (otherwise you probably wouldn't be here...) so just keep following that and no matter where we end up on this big flat, mysterious, crazy country that we call the internet you'll be with us.

For now I'm not going to bother uploading the archives, but if there's a particular post request that you have then fire away.

Good? Good.

1 comment:

Paul said...

I remember the NSL, and Woewodin still playing for Melbourne. Also corruption in the melbourne uni student union, terrible business that.