Nothing says the 1970s like 26 minutes of mocking South African racism by simultaneously committing war crimes against modern standards. People who try to write off old shows by what's acceptable now should be stuffed in a woodchipper but I still advise you not to watch it on a crowded train. If you can find one (readers of the future, this was a very topical comment at the time of writing).
Years before Lethal Weapon 2 buried the Apartheid lovers to a whole new generation, this instantly establishes them as total shits via the kidnapping of a kindly granny.

A moment please for two of the greatest moments in television history


The Goodies are swiftly bundled into a box, which is exactly what would happen to you if you tried to make this episode now.

Cue about three more minutes of gags about things being white.

So, the evil Afrikaaner/English bloke half doing an accent commissions The Goodies to make a film encouraging immigration to South Africa. Due to much confusion over recent immigration to the United Kingdom contemporary hilarity ensures.

Don't suppose they thought of using this picture on Tim Brooke-Taylor's obituary

This would be a good time to point out that the views of this program do not represent that of this blog or its authors.

After a campaign only slightly more ill-fated than Australia spending millions on tourism ads just before a global pandemic, The Goodies are forced to do their bit for the white race and go to South Africa, where they receive a taste of local customs.

Then, after a few minutes of Bill Oddie doing impressions of native South Africans that would get you shot these days and uncomfortably excessive use of the term 'nig nog', the joke is on him when a zany new form of discrimination is introduced.

To which Bill fails to qualify, and is subsequently forced to replace the previously enslaved population, who have all pushed off to the UK.

In the midst of one of those chase montages that are in every episode, a free dick joke.

It's possible that this whole episode was done just to get this gag in.

... and for the appealing visual of jockeys being locked up.

Tiring of rampant racism and discrimination, and under threat of a rebellion from short people, the Goodies look for somewhere more tolerant to live. They couldn't find anywhere, so they went back to 70s Britain.

Where they duly salute the passing Queen

But, as somewhere a viewer kicked their TV in, Britain's gone black...

And after a "keep Britain black" pep-talk from a famous celebrity...

... they decide if you can't beat them join them.

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