Friday 28 January 2005

2nd childhood

The greatest ‘lost’ board games of all time are undoubtedly the really complicated NBL basketball one from the early 90’s, the Neighbours one (can’t remember how it worked and I’ve barely ever watched the show but it was a boss game) and the Comedy Company one where you could be Col’n Carpenter, Kylie Mole or any number of pretentious Ian McFadyen characters. Can’t remember how that worked either. And of course the It’s A Knockout game with the giant Billy J Smith picture on the front cover of the box. I have such fond memories of playing the joker and destroying my opposition.

Of course the greatest board game ever - bar none - is the Game of Life. But everyone’s got that. Nobody has the NBL one. If you do, please write in and we’ll play it. As long as I get to be the Gold Coast Rollers.

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