Sunday 31 December 2017

2017 tweets of the year

... ironically being announced for once on a completely different medium. It was the year Twitter lost its mind and doubled the character the limit, instantly turning it into the sort of tedious slog that you used Twitter to get away from. As such any tweet of longer than 140 was disqualified from contention.

First, the ongoing achievement award to @Jizzlobberz for the animated GIF of the season. Dear Americans, I hate to be the one to say but you may have elected a terracotta fuckwit:

And now the top 10:

10. A tweet for all seasons

9. A sensible, sane and rational reaction to beating West Coast at Subiaco

8. The first of a surprise ham double


6. A rare appearance from a celebrity. Bonus points for the moral outrage in the replies.

5. Now see, did this need more characters? No, it's perfect as it is.
4. Enough said
3. The most watched Twitter video of the year

2. Pure genius
1. And once again, @Super70sSports captures the title. This time with a late breaking classic tweet. Thank you and goodnight twitterists.