Welcome to the House of Leppard. Many ladies have opened this door, seen this man and gone missing immediately afterwards.
Usually when they came inside and met this guy...
Not to mention the winner of the 1987 Jon Bon Jovi fanclub lookalike competition on the left...
... and a one armed drummer. He may very well be the most normal person in the band.
Of course being the 80's and being a rock band the Def - as their friends know them - were presumably massive root rats. However it's fair to say that this lass hadn't been part of their hard rock rampage around the globe.
Nor any of the females not aged 15-50 in this group. Although apparently granny went alright in her day.
There's something significant in this still. You might not be able to see it, so we'll highlight it later.
Meanwhile, while you try and work out what's going on there the young lady who has been slighted by the Def has decided to knock the house down. Makes sense I suppose.
OH MY GOD. That can't be real. We wasted an entire afternoon at work once trying to decide whether this was a packet of cigarettes or not.
I'm going to have to say no.
Behold, the second most prominent ball in this clip.
After that a mere house wrecking doesn't seem appropriate, but they keep it coming nonetheless.
Until eventually Swollen Manor is blown to pieces in a fiery explosion reminiscent of the last episode of E-Street. However, like cockroaches after a nuclear explosion they survived to release about 10,000 more albums and tour this October. Here's a hint, if you're going to the show may as well leave the binoculars at home.
O, how I've missed this. God bless you, good sir.
When the cock was on everyone's lips (!?) at work I suddenly felt inspiration strike.
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